In this video we’ll look at the TopLevel Widget in CustomTkinter and Python.
The TopLevel widget allows you to add new windows to your app, besides the main window.
Super useful for all sorts of things, and really easy to do with CustomTkinter!
Python Code:
(Github Code)
from tkinter import * import customtkinter customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("dark") # Modes: system (default), light, dark customtkinter.set_default_color_theme("dark-blue") # Themes: blue (default), dark-blue, green #root = Tk() root = customtkinter.CTk() root.title(' - CustomTkinter New Toplevel Window') root.iconbitmap('images/codemy.ico') root.geometry('400x200') def new(): new_window = customtkinter.CTkToplevel(root, fg_color="white") new_window.title("This is a new window!") new_window.geometry("400x200") new_window.resizable(False, True) # Width, Height def close(): new_window.destroy() new_window.update() # Close the window new_button = customtkinter.CTkButton(new_window, text="Close Window", command=close) new_button.pack(pady=40) my_button = customtkinter.CTkButton(root, text="Open New Window", command=new) my_button.pack(pady=40) root.mainloop()
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