In this video we’ll learn how to use Scales (or Sliders as they should be called) in TTKBootstrap and Tkinter.
Sliders are super useful. I’ll show you how to use them with TTKBootstrap.
We’ll change their orientation, size, values, etc. And I’ll show you how to access their count.
Python Code:
(Github Code)
from tkinter import * import ttkbootstrap as tb root = tb.Window(themename="superhero") #root = Tk() root.title("TTK Bootstrap! Slider/Scale") root.iconbitmap('images/codemy.ico') root.geometry('500x350') def scaler(e): my_label.config(text=f'{int(my_scale.get())}%') # Create a Scale/Slider my_scale = tb.Scale(root, bootstyle="warning", length=400, orient="horizontal", from_=0, to=100, command=scaler, state="normal") my_scale.pack(pady=50) # Create a label my_label = tb.Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 18)) my_label.pack() root.mainloop()
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