In this video I’ll talk all about the TabView Widget for CustomTkinter and Python.
Tabs are a great way to break up the layout of a GUI.
In this video I’ll show you how to create them in CustomTkinter and also how to customize the look and feel of them.
Python Code:
(Github Code)
from tkinter import * import customtkinter customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("dark") # Modes: system (default), light, dark customtkinter.set_default_color_theme("dark-blue") # Themes: blue (default), dark-blue, green #root = Tk() root = customtkinter.CTk() root.title(' - CustomTkinter Tabs') root.iconbitmap('images/codemy.ico') root.geometry('700x300') def clicker(): my_button.configure(text="You Clicked The Tab Button") # Create Tabview my_tab = customtkinter.CTkTabview(root, width=600, height=250, corner_radius=10, fg_color="silver", segmented_button_fg_color="red", segmented_button_selected_color="green", segmented_button_selected_hover_color="pink", segmented_button_unselected_hover_color="purple", segmented_button_unselected_color="yellow", text_color="red", state="normal", command=clicker, ) my_tab.pack(pady=10) # Create tabs tab_1 = my_tab.add("Tab 1") tab_2 = my_tab.add("Tab 2") # Put stuff in tabs my_button = customtkinter.CTkButton(tab_1, text="Click Me!") my_button.pack(pady=40) root.mainloop()
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