In this video we’ll build a Body Mass Index Calculator with Tkinter and Python.
Follow along as I build a modern looking BMI Calculator using the customTkinter library, and some basic python.
We’ll do a little math to calculate BMI, and we’ll use some basic Python logic to give the results in a user friendly way.
Install CustomTkinter:
Python Code:
(Github Code)
from tkinter import * import customtkinter from PIL import Image, ImageTk customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("dark") customtkinter.set_default_color_theme("dark-blue") root = customtkinter.CTk() root.title(' - BMI Calculator') root.iconbitmap('c:/') root.geometry("500x650") # Define Our Image meter = ImageTk.PhotoImage("images/meter2.png")) meter_img = Label(root, image=meter, bd=0) meter_img.pack(pady=20) def clear_screen(): h_entry.delete(0, END) w_entry.delete(0, END) results.config(text="") def get_bmi(): # calculate BMI # (weight_pounds/height_inches^2) * 703 our_height = int(h_entry.get()) * int(h_entry.get()) our_weight = int(w_entry.get()) bmi = (our_weight/our_height)*703 bmi_rounded = round(bmi, 1) results.config(text=f"{str(bmi_rounded)}") # Logic if bmi_rounded < 18.5: results.config(text=f"{str(bmi_rounded)}\nUnderweight", text_color="#54b1e1") elif bmi_rounded >= 18.5 and bmi_rounded <= 24.9: results.config(text=f"{str(bmi_rounded)}\nNormal", text_color="#b3d686") elif bmi_rounded >= 25.0 and bmi_rounded <= 29.9: results.config(text=f"{str(bmi_rounded)}\nOverweight", text_color="#fed429") elif bmi_rounded >= 30.0 and bmi_rounded <= 34.9: results.config(text=f"{str(bmi_rounded)}\nObese", text_color="#fbaf42") elif bmi_rounded >= 35: results.config(text=f"{str(bmi_rounded)}\nExtreme Obese", text_color="#f25356") # Define Entry Boxes h_entry = customtkinter.CTkEntry(master=root, placeholder_text="Height In Inches", width=200, height=30, border_width=1, corner_radius=10) h_entry.pack(pady=20) w_entry = customtkinter.CTkEntry(master=root, placeholder_text="Weight in Pounds", width=200, height=30, border_width=1, corner_radius=10) w_entry.pack(pady=20) # Buttons button_1 = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=root, text="Calculate BMI", width=190, height=40, compound="top", command=get_bmi) button_1.pack(pady=20) button_2 = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=root, text="Clear Screen", width=190, height=40, fg_color="#D35B58", hover_color="#C77C78", command=clear_screen) button_2.pack(pady=20) # result results = customtkinter.CTkLabel(master=root, text="", text_font=("Helvetica", 28)) results.pack(pady=50) root.mainloop()
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