In this video we’ll build a Magic 8-Ball app with Tkinter and Python.

We’ll use customTkinter to make this modern looking Magic 8-Ball app.

We’ll be able to shake the 8-Ball and get a random answer from a Python Dictionary that has all the answers.

Install CustomTkinter:

Python Code:
(Github Code)

from tkinter import *
import customtkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import random

customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("dark")  # Modes: system (default), light, dark
customtkinter.set_default_color_theme("dark-blue")  # Themes: blue (default), dark-blue, green

root = customtkinter.CTk()

root.title(' - Magic 8-Ball!')

# Shake The 8-Ball Function
def shake():
	answers = {
		"It is certain": "green",
		"It is decidedly so": "green",
		"Without a doubt":"green",
		"Yes definitely":"green",
		"You may rely on it":"green",
		"As I see it, yes":"green",
		"Most likely":"green",
		"Outlook good":"green",
		"Signs point to yes":"green",

		"Reply hazy, try again":"yellow",
		"Ask again later":"yellow",
		"Better not tell you now":"yellow",
		"Cannot predict now":"yellow",
		"Concentrate and ask again":"yellow",

		"Don't count on it!":"red",
		"My reply is no!":"red",
		"My sources say no!":"red",
		"Outlook not so good!":"red",
		"Very doubtful!":"red"}
	# Convert dictionary to list
	answer_list = list(answers.items())
	# shuffle the list
	# Output to the screen
	results.config(text=answer_list[0][0], fg=answer_list[0][1])

# Define Our Images
ball = ImageTk.PhotoImage("images/8ball.png"))
ball_img = Label(root, image=ball, bd=0)

# Set Results
results = Label(root, text="", font=("Helvetica", 28), bg="#1a1a1a")

# Define Our Button
my_button = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=root, text="Shake 8-Ball", width=190, height=40, compound="top", command=shake)


John Elder

John is the CEO of where he teaches over 100,000 students how to code! He founded one of the Internet's earliest advertising networks and sold it to a publicly company at the height of the first dot com boom. After that he developed the award-winning Submission-Spider search engine submission software that's been used by over 3 million individuals, businesses, and governments in over 42 countries. He's written several Amazon #1 best selling books on coding, and runs a popular Youtube coding channel.

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John Elder

John is the CEO of where he teaches over 100,000 students how to code! He founded one of the Internet's earliest advertising networks and sold it to a publicly company at the height of...