In this video we’ll build a fun little color changing number guessing game!
We’ll randomly generate a random number between one and ten. The user then guesses the number.
Our app will calculate how far away they are and change the background color of the app to represent “hot” or “cold” using different shades of red and blue.
Python Code:
(Github Code)
from tkinter import * from random import randint root = Tk() root.title(' - Guess The Number!') root.iconbitmap('c:/gui/codemy.ico') root.geometry("500x500") num_label = Label(root, text="Pick A Number\nBetween 1 and 10!", font=("Brush Script MT", 32)) num_label.pack(pady=20) def guesser(): if guess_box.get().isdigit(): # Reset our label num_label.config(text="Pick A Number\nBetween 1 and 10!") # Find out how far away our pick was from the actual number dif = abs(num - int(guess_box.get())) # Check to see if correct if int(guess_box.get()) == num: bc = "SystemButtonFace" num_label.config(text="Correct!!") elif dif == 5: # Set background color to white bc = "white" elif dif < 5: bc = f'#ff{dif}{dif}{dif}{dif}' else: bc = f'#{dif}{dif}{dif}{dif}ff' # Change the background of the app root.config(bg=bc) # Change bg of label num_label.config(bg=bc) else: # Delete entry and throw error message guess_box.delete(0, END) num_label.config(text="Hey! That's Not A Number!") def rando(): global num num = randint(1,10) # Clear the guess box guess_box.delete(0, END) # Change the colors back to normal num_label.config(bg="SystemButtonFace", text="Pick A Number\nBetween 1 and 10!") root.config(bg="SystemButtonFace") guess_box = Entry(root, font=("Helvetica", 100), width=2) guess_box.pack(pady=20) guess_button = Button(root, text="Submit", command=guesser) guess_button.pack(pady=20) rand_button = Button(root, text="New Number", command=rando) rand_button.pack(pady=20) # Generate a random number on start rando() root.mainloop()
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