In this video we’ll build a cool Language Detection app with Tkinter and Python. We’ll use the langdetect and the langcodes libraries for Python to do most...
In this video we’ll learn how to create cool looking modern buttons with images in CustomTkinter. Images in CustomTkinter are pretty simple, we just need to use...
In this video we’ll modernize and refactor our dictionary lookup app using the CustomTkinter library. In the last video I introduced you to the customTkinter...
In this video we’ll learn how to create Modern GUI Design using the CustomTkinter Library for Tkinter and Python. Tkinter looks old and clunky, you can’t...
In this video we’ll modify our Map App to add a Lookup Form and a Slider to Zoom in and Out with Tkinter and Python. In the last video we created a basic map app...
In this video I’ll show you how to add Maps to your Tkinter apps Using the TkinterMapView Widget. The TkinterMapView Widget was created by Tom Schimansky and...
In this video we’ll build a Base64 Encrypt and Decrypt tool for Tkinter and Python. Converting text to Binary is pretty easy with Python and Tkinter. In this video...
In this video we’ll build a word Dictionary with Tkinter and Python using the PyDictionary Module. We’ll build out a simple Tkinter GUI that let’s us...
In this video we’ll build out the ability to win at Blackjack by drawing five cards without busting. In blackjack, if you draw five cards without busting (going...
In this video we’ll work on the Player Stand function and deal out additional dealer cards if needed. In Blackjack, if the dealer gets 17 points or above, they...
In this video I’ll show you how to convert aces from 11 to 1 for our Blackjack game with Tkinter and Python. In Blackjack, an ace can be worth either 11 points or...
In this video I’ll show you how to create the “Hit Me” Button for our Blackjack game for Tkinter and Python. The hit button allows you to deal yourself...